Raise your frosty imported beer mug up: NFL is back!

For those not in the know, OneChele loves the NFL. Love, love, loves it! I watch religiously. I plan my church attendance around the pre-game shows and my Sunday evenings around the post-game wrap-ups. I have NFL Sunday Ticket and SuperFan on DirecTV. I play in a fantasy football league (reigning champ three years in a row). During football season, I am a cheap date – call me up and invite me over to watch the game, throw in chicken wings and iced tea and I'm happy.

As a Dallas Cowboys fan it has not always been easy (and is in fact often painful) to watch yet every week, I sit (usually with grilled food items nearby) and ready myself for the battles of the day. Win or lose, there are generally great feats of athleticism to appreciate. For the ladies who are not fans of the game, here are five things you need to know about the game:

  1. Really fine men in really tight uniforms – I think that statement speaks for itself
  2. It's quite entertaining – if you are not a pure fan of the sport, you can still tune in just to enjoy an amazing catch, tackle or throw
  3. It's not just a game – Yes it is grown men playing a boy's game but people take it very seriously
  4. Most men dig chicks who can speak sports – At the very least, know your man's favorite team and when they play. "How'd the Bears play today?" can net you "cool chick" points.
  5. Don't call diehard football fans mid-game – If you have friends who are rabid fans, don't call them on game day unless someone is bleeding and requiring emergency care

The season kicks off with much fanfare and hoopla tonight with the Tennessee Titans and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Time to suit up… enjoy!