Too weary to holla or throw up both my hands... thoughts on #Ferguson

A selfie of Mike Brown with his little sister...
It's just... enough. I'm weary and tired of of news, protests and debates about dead people of color. People dead before their time through no fault of their own. People who unfortunately encountered the wrong person at the wrong time. Unarmed children killed by ignorance and fear. Yes, I'm outraged and upset and frustrated and low-key helpless in the face of all the bigoted rhetoric but I can't do it everyday. I can't stay whipped up about the inequities and social injustices of the world all day everyday, it's exhausting.

The picture makes my soul ache. More depressing is the fact that whoever made the Black Lives Matter sign could have attached pages and pages and not listed all the applicable names.

Instead of running through all the epic shiggity that has gone down since Mike Brown was left to die in the street; I'll just summarize my thoughts:
  1. Everything that happened from the moment Darren Wilson shot that child six times to the police rport coming out has been bullshiggity and a complete subversion of the legal process. 
  2. I don't appreciate celebrities who had nothing to say or offer before the funeral showing up for the photo op
  3. Very few journalists are telling this story with a 360 degree view. It's frustrating.
  4. Once again, Black Twitter had to drag the country's attention towards real news. It was three days of images looking like 1980 Beirut and two mainstream journalists getting beat upside the head in McDonald's for news outlets to catch up. 
  5. Some dude put up a picture of Darren Wilson and a picture of George Zimmerman side by side with the hashtag #myheroes. Really?
  6. President Obama is not a Magic Negreaux. His ascension to the Presidency didn't cure racism or sent us into a color-blind utopia where bad shiggity never happens. Once more for the cheap seats... post-racism is a lie.
  7. President Obama has to be POTUS for 317 MILLION people. If he goes to one funeral for tragically killed black boy, he'd have to go to them all and never have time to do any other damn thing.
  8. Is the man, Obeezy, not deserving of a damn vacation? I mean look at him:
Weary on the journey
His face mirrors my thoughts exactly - Lord, what now? This is why I was so happy to chirp about Bey's performance at the VMA's and who wore what to the Emmy's and how long until Scandal comes back on. Because I need an escape from the reality that is race relations in America in 2014. Which is looking a lot like race relations in America in 1964. 
It's not that I don't care or that I'm not passionate about activism. It's that I can't carry it everyday. Not if I want to maintain any sort of positive outlook on the future of this nation. And by future, I just mean next week. I certainly can't look beyond that with any kind of clarity. But I'm here for those of you front-lining the struggle. I'm good to publicize an issue and write a check. Armchair activism is my wheelhouse. Let me wrap with this pic:

Can I get a witness? Thoughts, comments, insights? Do share...